Updates and Support
On this page, you will be able to find all of the latest support for Queen's Wish 2: The Tormentor for both Macintosh, Windows, and iOS. If you have any questions please contact us at support@spiderwebsoftware.com.
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Restoring a Lost GameWindows:Macintosh:iOS: |
Restoring a Lost Registration
When you purchase Queen's Wish 2, you download the full version of the game. If you need to restore the game, redownload the game using the same link in the email confirmation you received from the store where you purchased it. If you have any problems, contact us at support@spiderwebsoftware.com.
Queen's Wish 2: The Tormentor for Windows
Latest Windows Update of Queen's Wish 2
The latest version of Queen's Wish 2 is v1.0.3. To update the game, redownload and install the game again from the service you brought it from.
Common Windows Issues
Spiderweb Software has been in business for 30 years, and we write purely icon-based games. It's a much older style, and it doesn't allow infinite zooming in or out in the way that 3D games do. If your monitor is greater than 2600 pixels wide, the game might appear small on your screen. We want everyone to have fun with our games, so here are a few tips if your monitor is really big. When you launch the game and the resolution window comes up, try this:
We’re sorry for the confusion here. It’s not ideal, but sometimes the advance of technology gets ahead of you. Thanks for your patience, and we hope that the games are fun enough to justify it. |
The Ro are very easy to make angry right now, and your responses to events can make them angrier. If you ever find your actions have resulted in excess theft, there is a cheat to fix it. Press Shift-d and enter the code “pleasedontsteal". |
Here are some other tips that may help.
If you still have problems, contact us at support@spiderwebsoftware.com. |
Steam’s current system can make it difficult to find hint books and other extras. To actually get at the hint book, follow these steps:
We’re sorry this is so confusing. Please let us know if you have any other problems. You can contact us at support@spiderwebsoftware.com. |
Queen's Wish 2 uses DirectX and is, graphically, not a very demanding game. However, some systems, due to hardware or video driver problems, have been having trouble running it at an acceptable speed. Other systems have displayed odd or corrupted graphics. Should the game not run correctly for you, follow the steps below:
Locating Your Windows Saved Games
Your saved games will be found in your My Documents folder, specifically in "My Documents/Spiderweb Software/Queen's Wish 2 Saved Games". Open that folder and your saved games will be inside, in folders named 'Save0', 'Save1', etc.
Queen's Wish 2 : The Tormentor Windows Version History
Version 1.0 - August 24, 2022
- Initital release.
Version 1.0.1 - August 30, 2022
- The screen locking up when the gameplay area is set to Small has been fixed.
- A rare crash when entering Mistglen is fixed.
- Terrified Mercenaries now escape properly. Whew!
- A variety of minor tweaks and typo fixes.
Version 1.0.2 - October 11, 2022
- Added cheat code “pleasedontsteal”. Resets all theft levels back to 0, in case the Ro are mad at you. Press Shift-D to enter a cheat code.
- A rare case where the Geld Nad test could be broken has been fixed.
- A bug that kept you from starting combat when no foes are around has been fixed.
- Puzzle boards will no longer misbehave when you select an empty space first.
- A final confrontation has been made a little easier.
- It is no longer possible for the Mistglen final fight to get stuck as peaceful.
- When you end the game early, you don’t learn as much about what was REALLY going on.
- Many other tweaks, typo corrections, and exploit fixes.
Version 1.0.3 - February 20, 2023
- A few infinite faction farming exploits have been fixed.
- Certain magic weapons have the haste bonus that they should.
- Some other minor tweaks and typo fixes.
Queen's Wish 2: The Tormentor for Macintosh
Latest Macintosh Update of Queen's Wish 2
The latest version of Queen's Wish 2 is v1.0.3. To update the game, redownload and install the game again from the service you brought it from.
Common Macintosh Issues
Spiderweb Software has been in business for 30 years, and we write purely icon-based games. It's a much older style, and it doesn't allow infinite zooming in or out in the way that 3D games do. If your monitor is greater than 2600 pixels wide, the game might appear small on your screen. We want everyone to have fun with our games, so here are a few tips if your monitor is really big. When you launch the game and the resolution window comes up, try this:
We’re sorry for the confusion here. It’s not ideal, but sometimes the advance of technology gets ahead of you. Thanks for your patience, and we hope that the games are fun enough to justify it. |
Unfortunately, something has gone wrong with the software Apple uses to authenticate apps. This is resulting in our games sometimes refusing to launch on the newest versions of MacOS. We aren't the only developer whose games are having this problem. We believe Apple will fix it soon. Until then, there is a workaround that should make your game work.
We apologize for this inconvenience, and we hope this gets you running until the problems with Apple’s authentication are fixed. Thank you for your patience! |
The Ro are very easy to make angry right now, and your responses to events can make them angrier. If you ever find your actions have resulted in excess theft, there is a cheat to fix it. Press Shift-d and enter the code “pleasedontsteal". |
Steam’s current system can make it difficult to find hint books and other extras. To actually get at the hint book, follow these steps:
We’re sorry this is so confusing. Please let us know if you have any other problems. You can contact us at support@spiderwebsoftware.com. |
If the game will not launch or you launch the game and the graphics don't appear or look wrong, quit the game. Then go into Steam and turn off Steam Overlay. To turn the Steam Overlay off: Go to the Steam Menu in the upper left, select Preferences, UN-check the "Enable the Steam Overlay while in game.” Select Ok to save it. This fixes problems with a number of Macintosh games on Steam. |
If you are using a Macbook with a Retina screen and choose a too-large resolution to play the game, the game may be drawn with a large portion of the play area offscreen. That is because the largest resolutions can only be drawn in Retina mode, and games written with OpenGL technology (which is almost all Mac games) don't handle Retina correctly. One workaround for this is to play the game in Windowed mode. Another is to pick as a resolution the size of your monitor is ordinary (not Retina) pixels. This resolution will be half the size of the largest resolution the game offers. (For example, it will be 1280x800 for 13" MacBooks and 1440x900 for 15" MacBooks.) If you have already chosen for the game to always open in full screen mode, you can undo this by deleting the settings file. Open a window in the Finder. Type Command-Shift-G and enter "~/Library/Preferences". Throw away the file com.spiderwebsoftware.QueensWish2. Launch Queen's Wish 2, and the resolution selection window will appear again. |
Queen's Wish 2's graphics needs are modest, but they might put some strain on older machines. Some steps might be necessary to help it to run better.
Locating Your Mac OS X Saved Games
Your game save files are stored in the Spiderweb Software subfolder under the Application Support folder in your user's Library folder, which can be difficult to find. To open it, press Command-Shift-G to Go To Folder, enter "~/Library/Application Support/Spiderweb Software", and press return. Your saved games are in the folder "Queen's Wish 2 Saved Games". Open that folder and your saved games will be inside, in folders named 'Save0', 'Save1', etc.
Queen's Wish 2: The Tormentor Macintosh Version History
Version 1.0 - August 24, 2022
- Initial Release
Version 1.0.1 - August 30, 2022
- The screen locking up when the gameplay area is set to Small has been fixed.
- A rare crash when entering Mistglen is fixed.
- Terrified Mercenaries now escape properly. Whew!
- A variety of minor tweaks and typo fixes.
Version 1.0.2 - October 11, 2022
- Added cheat code “pleasedontsteal”. Resets all theft levels back to 0, in case the Ro are mad at you. Press Shift-D to enter a cheat code.
- A rare case where the Geld Nad test could be broken has been fixed.
- A bug that kept you from starting combat when no foes are around has been fixed.
- Puzzle boards will no longer misbehave when you select an empty space first.
- A final confrontation has been made a little easier.
- It is no longer possible for the Mistglen final fight to get stuck as peaceful.
- When you end the game early, you don’t learn as much about what was REALLY going on.
- Many other tweaks, typo corrections, and exploit fixes.
Version 1.0.3 - February 20, 2023
- A few infinite faction farming exploits have been fixed.
- Certain magic weapons have the haste bonus that they should.
- Some other minor tweaks and typo fixes.
Queen's Wish 2: The Tormentor Support for iOS
Latest iOS Update of Queen's Wish 2
The latest version of Queen's Wish 2 is v1.0. No updates yet.
Queen's Wish 2: The Tormentor Issues for iOS
If you are having weird problems with Queen's Wish 2 (unable to talk to characters, script errors, unable to leave zones, general bad behavior), your copy of the software might have become corrupted. It is rare, but it does happen. As a first step, try forcing a reboot of your iOS device. This can fix a number of odd problems. To reboot an iPad, hold down the Power and Home buttons at the same time until the device resets. To reboot an iPhone depends on the version you have, please consult Apple support on the specifics. If this doesn't help, reinstalling the game can fix these problems. To do to, follow these steps:
If this does not fix your problems, contact our support. The Ro are very easy to make angry right now, and your responses to events can make them angrier. If you ever find your actions have resulted in excess theft, there is a cheat to fix it. Press the File button, select Enter Cheat Code, and enter the code “pleasedontsteal". If this does not fix your problems, contact our support. |
Transferring Your Saved Games Off and On an iOS Device
You can copy your Queen's Wish 2 saved games onto and off of your iPad/iPhone.
On Windows or Macintosh (versions 10.14 or earlier) you can use iTunes file sharing. To do this:
- Launch iTunes. Connect your iPad or iPhone with a cable. Click the iPad or iPhone icon in iTunes and go to the Apps page.
- Scroll the File Sharing section at the bottom until you see Queen's Wish 2. Select it.
- A folder named “Spiderweb Software” will appear to the right. This contains your Queen's Wish 2 saved games. You can drag this into your desktop, change the saved games in it, and drag it back into iTunes.
For Macintosh (version 10.15 or later):
- Connect your iPad or iPhone with a cable. Open a Finder window. Your device should be listed to the left. Select it.
- Select the Files tab. You should see Queen's Wish 2. Select it.
- The folder below contains your Queen's Wish 2 saved games. You can drag this into your desktop, change the saved games in it, and drag it back into the Files area.
Saved games files on your iOS device are compatible with the Windows and Mac versions of Queen's Wish 2.
Queen's Wish 2: The Tormentor for iOS Version History
Version 1.0 - October 26, 2022
- Initial Release